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Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

Windows 8 Transformation Pack 6.5

Selamat Siang sahabat bloger...

hari ini beo mau share windows 8 Transformation Pack..
untuk yang belum tau apa itu transformation pack, yaitu seperti thema jika dalam gadget kita..
yang pasti ini merubah smua tampilan window xp/7/vista kita menjadi window 8
mungkin untuk yang masih ragu menggunakan window 8 asli..
bagaimana jika kita coba dahulu Windows 8 Transformation Pack

Featurenya :
• Seamless installation and uninstallation giving users safe transformation
• Easily configurable in single click with intelligence Metro UI design
• Designed for all editions of Windows XP/Vista/7 including Server Editions
• Genuine Windows 8 system resources with Metro touches
• Smart system files updating with auto-repair and Windows Update friendly
• Fresh start for Vista/Seven Transformation Pack users with updated Windows 8 themes and resources
• UxStyle memory patching
• Windows 8 themes, wallpaper and logon screen
• UserTile with current user auto-configured on login
• Metro UI desktop emulation with pre-configured gadgets
• Aero’s auto-colorization feature
• And much more
Version 6.5
-Added ‘Transformation Pack Notes’ in readme about temporary disabling antivirus software
-Changed default Immersive UI back to Charms Bar
-Fixed default user account configuration not checking requirements causing improper configuration
-Fixed font installation using method from version 5.0 with improved API code
-Fixed launcher incompatibilities with limited user account
-Fixed permission problems with 3rd-party applications
-Fixed Windows version checking error that allows installation on Windows 8
-Removed Aero Frame UI from default configuration as some machines find it not stable enough
-Updated Metro Inspirat theme for Windows XP having Modern UI updated on taskbar and start menu
Version 6.0
-Added Windows 8 RTM wallpapers
-Configured Aero frame UI, Metro Desktop UI and Aero’s auto-colorization to be used by default if applicable
-Improved Segoe fonts family installation code for better compatibilities
-Updated Metro Inspirat theme with improved start orb and few adjustments
-Updated Newgen’s start screen background to Windows 8 RTM’s default
-Updated Segoe fonts family from Windows 8 RTM
-Updated TrueTransparency Aero skin rebuilt from Windows 8 RTM resources
-Updated Windows 8′s Explorer toolbar layout configuration
-Updated Windows 8 theme for Windows 7 by wango911 with customized theme files
-Updated system files resources found in Windows 8 RTM
|-Boot Screen (Windows XP)
|-Logon screen background
|-Navigation buttons
|-Network tray icons
|-Shell icons
|-Shell pane background
|-Shutdown/Logoff/Theme dialogs (Windows XP)
|-Start button/orb
Version 5.0
-Fixed Segoe UI font installation compatibilities
-Improved uninstallation compatibilities with Themes removal
-Replaced Windows Vista theme with M-Awesome’s Windows 8 RC
-Replaced Windows 7 theme with thepanda-x’s Windows 8 RC Aero for Windows 7
-Replaced Windows 7 Metro theme with thepanda-x’s Windows 8 RC Aero for Windows 7
-Updated Aero mouse cursors from Windows 8 Release Preview
-Updated battery tray icons quality from Windows 8 Release Preview
-Updated branding logo to official ones from Windows 8 Release Preview
-Updated Explorer toolbar buttons from Windows 8 Release Preview
-Updated loading circle animation from Windows 8 Release Preview
-Updated Metro Inspirat theme for Windows XP to version 4.0 from Windows 8 Release Preview with more focus to Metro design
-Updated Newgen Tiles with Windows 8 Release Preview’s default background
-Updated Segoe UI fonts family from Windows 8 Release Preview
-Updated TrueTransparency skin matching Windows 8 Release Preview
-Updated Windows 8 Release Preview logon screen
-Updated Windows 8 Release Preview’s wallpapers
Version 4.0 (Proper)
-Fixed Segoe fonts family installation that fails to update in some Vista/7 platforms
-Optimized Metro Inspirat resources to work properly on low memory Windows XP machine
Version 4.0
-Added Charms Bar as alternatives for those who can’t get full Immersive UI to work
-Added new Segoe family fonts from Windows 8 Consumer Preview with Windows Vista/7 font update support
-Improved system files modification framework (More secure and safe to handle)
-Fixed disabling system files modification that won’t work on installation
-Fixed explorer not restoring after choosing to cancel restart during configuration
-Fixed permission problems in some programs that perform changes in Program Files
-Fixed system files modification bug in Program Files on x64 platform
-Fixed unchecking large icon doesn’t restore icon size bug
-Fixed uninstallation script that removes legacy theme registry
-Updated component UI font to Tahoma and info font to Segoe UI
-Updated default Metro Desktop UI option to Immersive UI with Charms Bar as default option
-Updated default pictures of guest and user to Windows 8 Consumer Preview ones
-Updated Metro Inspirat Windows XP visual style to version 3.0
-Updated Newgen to version 8.0
-Updated Newgen UI to match with Windows 8 Consumer Preview
-Updated system files resources
|-logon screen
|-shell branding and logo
|-shell icons
|-start button/orb
|-system tray icons
-Updated TrueTransparency skin based on Windows 8 Consumer Preview default color
-Updated wallpapers to Windows 8 Consumer Preview ones
-Unchecked ‘Aero’s auto-colorization (Vista/7) only’ feature to get Windows 8′s default colorization
Version 2.0
-Added ability to offer uninstalling existing UX Pack product if can be uninstalled from Control Panel
-Added Windows 8 new wallpapers and default user picture
-Changed default system font to Segoe UI as Segoe UI Light caused UI glitches in some places
-Fixed backing up and restoring system resources to be more secure and reliable
-Fixed missing left pane and failing to load Control Panel UI pages after performing system files transformation in Windows Vista/7
-Fixed system icons that sometimes won’t be updated after system files transformation
-Fixed uninstallation code that doesn’t remove something (Zetro theme, old wallpapers)
-Removed ViStart and ViGlance from Windows 8 Transformation Pack (Obsolete for Metro design)
-Updated Newgen to version 6.0 with Windows 8′s tiles and UI configuration
-Updated Resource Hacker to version 3.6
-Updated some fixes and improvements for installation process
-Updated system files modification to use backup files instead of current files
-Updated system files resources found in Windows 8 Developer Preview build 8102
|-Folder icons
|-Loading circle
|-Navigation buttons
|-Start button/orb
|-Tray icons
-Updated User Tile’s default configuration to be unchecked as Windows 8 Developer Preview no longer has it
-Updated Windows 8 themes and visual styles
|-Rebuilt TrueTransparency’s skin to Windows 8 Developer Preview version
|-Replaced Windows 8 theme for Windows 7 with dj-corny’s Aero 8 Metro Mod 1.66
|-Updated Metro Inspirat to version 2.0 with resources found in Windows 8 Developer Preview
Version 1.0 (Proper)
-System files transformation failure in non-English OS
-Errors related to sound files in Windows\Media for Windows Vista
Lanjutkan Membaca - Windows 8 Transformation Pack 6.5

Rabu, 28 November 2012

 Game Ular Tangga For PC

Ular Tangga merupakan permainan papan untuk anak-anak yang dimainkan oleh 2 orang atau lebih. Papan permainan dibagi dalam kotak-kotak kecil dan di beberapa kotak digambar sejumlah “ular” atau “tangga” yang menghubungkannya dengan kotak lain. Permainan ini diciptakan pada tahun 1870. Pada kebanyakan permainan ini memiliki jumlah kotak yaitu 100 buah kotak kecil.
Namun, pada permainan yang saya share ini sedikit berbeda dengan ular tangga biasanya, namanya “Ular Tangga Latar Perkantoran“. Tentu saja latar belakang dari permainan ini adalah gedung perkantoran dan tangga lift sebagai pengganti tangga yang biasa dimainkan.
Sedikit cerita pengalaman bermain game ini dimana kita akan menaiki gedung bertingkat yang dimulai dari pintu gedung utama dan berakhir diatas gedung. Pada game ini tangga lift menjadi pengganti ular dan tangga, lift berwarna Merah akan mengantarkan kita turun dan lift berwarna Hijau akan mengantarkan kita untuk naik.
Lihat langsung aja gambarnya biar jelas:
Langsung aja bagi anda yang ingin mencobanya Klik url download dibawah, jangan lupa Komentarnya Gan.

 Download : ULAR TANGGA PC (300Kb)
Pass           : beoscreamo.blogspot.com
Lanjutkan Membaca -  Game Ular Tangga For PC

 Norton Utilities 2013 Full Crack

Norton Utilities 2013 Full Crack - Mediafire

 Norton Utilities 2013 Full Crack atau biasa dikenal dengan nama Norton Utilities 16 Full Crack merupakan utility terbaru yang diluncurkan oleh Symantec Corporation. Utility ini dapat memacu kinerja PC kita dengan utility yang dimilikinya, mulai dari Clean Registry, Optimize Windows, Defragment Disk, dll. Software ini mempunyai tampilan yang sederhana dan mudah untuk digunakan.

System Requirements :
  •  OS: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 (32-bit & 64-bit)
Norton Utilities 2013 Full Crack - Mediafire

Title : Norton Utilities 2013 Full Crack
Date Released : 2012
Version : 2013 v. Final
Category : Utilities
Publisher: Symantec Corporation
Format : RAR
Size : 22.3 MB

Download:  NORTON UTILITIES 2013
Password:  beoscreamo.blogspot.com
Lanjutkan Membaca -  Norton Utilities 2013 Full Crack

Senin, 26 November 2012

WinASO Registry Optimizer Portable

langsung ajja ya gk panjang lebar baca detail nya ajja..

Cekidot.. XD

Feature :
Registry Cleaner
  • Advanced scanning algorithm that scans the entire registry in seconds
  • Comprehensive error report listing registry errors in 20 categories
  • Allows user to sort the error report according to 10 different attributes
  • Powerful registry fixer that quickly fixes all registry problems with just a simple click
  • Provides more freedom by allowing user to select items to fix
WinASO Registry Optimizer will fix all the registry errors that cause system instability, PC errors, crashes, system slowdown, including but not limited to:
Invalid User software settings Invalid class keys
Invalid system software settings Invalid fonts
Invalid browser helper objects Invalid start-up programs
Invalid custom control settings ActiveX errors
Errors in uninstall sections Obsolete history lists
Shared DLL errors Invalid file paths
Sound and AppEvents errors Invalid file extensions
Startup popup window Invalid software locations
Invalid System settings Windows services error
Invalid help and resources Invalid virtual devices
Empty registry keys Invalid device drivers
Privacy Cleaner
  • Scan history records and traces generated by Windows, IE, Firefox, Flash Player, Media Player, and more other applications
  • One-click to clean up all the Windows or internet temporary files, cookies, cache, URL, account and password etc.
  • Protect your privacy. With Privacy Cleaner, your personal information will not be left behind in the computer you used
  • Boost system speed and improve PC performance
System Optimizer
The built-in System Optimizer allows you to optimize your system settings, and as a result, boosts your system speed and improves system performance.

The System Optimizer will optimize the following settings to speed up your system:
  • Automatically end hung applications
  • Enable UDMA66 support
  • Optimize Internet connection
  • Force Windows to Unload DLLs from Memory
  • Speed up Windows refresh
  • Speed up browsing remote computers
  • Speed up loading internet explorer pages
  • Speed up the menu show delay
  • Boost up the Windows prefetcher service

Short-cuts Cleaner
  • Quickly identify and clean up redundant shortcuts that point to non-existent or invalid files
Registry Defrag
  • Quickly analyze your registry
  • Automatically backup, defragment, compact and optimize your registry with a powerful defragmenting algorithm
Startup Manager
  • Instantly detect and list all the programs that run at system startup
  • Allow you to easily edit, disable, enable or delete the startup programs
Uninstall Manager
  • Clearly list all the installed programs on your computer
  • Allow you to quickly remove any unwanted programs to free-up disk space and improve system efficiency
Data Recovery
  • Recovers data on FAT12/ FAT16/FAT32/NTFS/NTFS5 partitions in Windows operating systems.
IE Manager
  • Easily repair your IE problems as well as settings changed by the malicious websites
System tools
  • A number of useful system tools are listed together for your convenience to help you better manage your computer, such as Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragmenter, DirectX Diagnostic Tool, Registry Editor, etc.
System information
  • Quickly analyze your system and provide a detailed comprehensive report of your current system information
User-friendly UI
  • UI is user-friendly. Even novice finds it easy to navigate!

Download : WINASO Registry Optimizer (mediafire 11Mb)

Pass          : beoscreamo.blogspot.com

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Lanjutkan Membaca - WinASO Registry Optimizer Portable

Kamis, 22 November 2012

Map Hack For Dota 1.22-1.24e Undetect

Sekarang smakin bnyak ajja yang main Deffense of the ancient (DOTA)
semakin marak pula yang mencari program ilegal..
mungkin untuk yang pro gk perlu Software ini kali ya??
tapi jika mau juga bisa..

resiko nya tau lah di tiap game jika ada yang menggunakan program ilegal??
Yupzz Baned Id atau char.. hehe...

ywdah langsung ajja cekidot niyh penampakannya... :p

Cara penggunaan :
- tinggal ceklis all Feature.
- Bisa dipilih [ centang feature yang anda inginkan ]
- atau jika sedang tterburu buru,aktifkan saja feature secara automatic dengan menekan tombol F4.

Pergunakan cukup 1x saja, jika terlalu sering aktif nonaktif akan disconect..

# Sebaiknya aktifkan saat game berlangsung.
Tested by me.. :D

Tidak Work di windows 7??
Solusi :
- Click kanan,pilih Run As Administrator.

Download:  MapHack Undetect 1.24e
Pass: beoscreamo.blogspot.com

Happy Cheating!!!

Lanjutkan Membaca - Map Hack For Dota 1.22-1.24e Undetect